
What do i need for a yogalates class?

If you have a yoga mat, a blanket and a cushion then you are all set to go. If you do not have any of these, I have spares that I am happy to loan you.

do I have to have practised before?

No. The reason I love to offer individual and small group sessions is so that we can create tailor-made sessions to meet you exactly where you are at physically right now. (This is not so easy to achieve in a mixed level class)

do i need a certain level of fitness or flexibility?

No. By creating individually designed classes we can work with where you are currently - and help move you towards where you may have only imagined possible in terms of comfortable freedom of movement and increased energy levels.

do you provide online yogalates?

We have a range on short video guides here . We have more in the pipeline. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified when these are ready.

Is the aromatouch essential oil treatment the same process as a massage?

Not at all. The AromaTouch technique was developed to maximise the health benefits of essential oils. By lightly applying the specifically chosen oils in a precise order, along the central nervous system and meridian lines of the back of the torso and soles of the feet, we encourage the absorption and effectiveness of the individual oils as well as the accumulative effects of the combination of them together.

How long is a treatment?

50 - 60 minutes  

will one treatment be enough ?

In one session many have reported feeling calmer, experiencing a decreased heart rate, feeling less agitation and anxiety, reduced body inflammation and a general feeling of increased overall well-being that assists in creating a stronger sense of balance in life.

However, as with most things - a yoga class, a massage, a gym session - the more we care for ourselves, the greater the impact, the longer the benefit is felt and the better we feel for longer. Being able to gift yourself 3 sessions to be able to address the deeper physical, mental and emotional issues can be highly beneficial.

Do I need to undress?.

Removing upper body garments and footwear is all that is required.

Lying face down on the comfortable treatment table, I will work on the back of your torso and the soles of your feet. 

What Is my next step to find out more or book a Yogalates or aromatouch session?

Contact me directly and I can answer any questions and confirm a time for your appointment. Then we can simply get you on your way to lifting your life experience and creating positive change.