Eka Padasana or Warrior III

We first think about the balance challenge here ... but perhaps we’re jumping ahead too far. This asana strengthens the arms, wrists, hips and leg muscles. You can feel a great stretch through the back of the body and engagement of core muscles. And of course, as with every pose, our focus on the moment we are in and breathing. Have a go 🧘‍♀️😊

Co-ordination. Standing Lunge

How’s your co-ordination? Today we add movement coordinated with focus and breath to your standing lunge. Mix it up, have fun, be creative. Yogalates is an enjoyable practice that strengthens all aspects of you - mind, body and soul. Share this video or your practice with someone whose well-being you care about. Let me know how you get on in the comments below . Have a great day 🧘‍♀️😊

Free Up Your Joints

😅 I’m afraid at times through this video the neighbourhood was pretty active and noisy ... For all that it is a blessing to find a quiet place to spend time in solitude or peaceful practice, I also welcome the challenge of a busy space where you notice how centered and focused you can remain regardless of the distractions around you. As in life, the more focused you can be on what you are doing, the better the outcome 😊. Enjoy this practice to free-up your joints and get your energy moving from head to toe

Swinging While Standing

Utthita Lolasana - swinging while standing 😊! Helps remove tiredness by stimulating circulation and toning spinal nerves; stretches hamstrings and back muscles, loosen hips and massages the visceral organs; speeds up lymphatic flow and improves drainage. Also provides some benefits of inverted poses such as encouraging a rich supply of blood to flow to the brain, nourishing the neurones and flushing out toxins. Plus it’s fun to practice..

Dhanurasana - Beginners Bow Pose

Ok this might be a good example of “do as I say, not as I do” 😉... goal post arms, lift whole upper body on the in-breath, lower everything same speed back to floor on out-breath. That’s whole forearm wrist to elbow - NOT drawing elbows back towards your torso and holding them up off the fish scales below as I did squimishly unaware today 😂. I thought twice about posting this video but - hey we are all always learning right 👍.... and accept we have off-days 🥰. So wonderful people have a fun practice... we were lucky Pipi decided to take her swim after we finished recording 😂. Have a great day .... are you starting to notice some physical changes??

Upward Facing Dog

Our fifth day of ‘back-work’. Fun to put some of our practices together.. keep it interesting. Two things - it won’t be every day you “build-on” from the day before. Some days you may feel more stressed., a little tired or simply distracted - don’t push it! Be kind to yourself. Remember to listen to what your body is telling you, practice for your own improvement - don’t listen to that critical, comparing monkey mind. Enjoy each practice through your awareness of what You need right now. And secondly- breathe. Always breathe... and try to be aware of this 

Flowing Camel Pose

Keep the energy flowing. Warming up first. Notice how your body is feeling today. What precautions do you need to take? Modifications to make or props to bring in to your practice? Remember you intention is your own improved health - starting with exactly where you are right now and incrementally progressing through listening to your body’s needs. Today we continue stretching and opening up the front of the body while stimulating and strengthening the back of the body. Have fun 

Strengthen The Spine

As we strengthen the back, keeping the spine supple and improving circulation to this region we also tone the reproductive organs and liver, stimulate digestion as well as massage the kidneys and adrenal glands. A slow and steady conscious practice delivers deeper benefits. Have a great day 🧘‍♀️


Backbend Breath Sequence

Bhujangasana - cobra pose in sequence with your breath and awareness. Stay fully present throughout. Know a stiff spine interferes with nerve impulses from brain to body and vice versa. By arching the spine and improving circulation and toning spinal nerves there will be better communication between brain and body. How good is that ! Enjoy

Beginning Back Strengthening

Backward bending postures turn the body out to face the world . They expand the chest, encourage inhalation and are associated with the attitude of embracing life. They stretch the abdominal muscles and tone and strengthen the muscles controlling the spine. The toning of the spinal nerves has beneficial repercussions throughout the body as these nerves give energy to all the other nerves, organs and muscles in the body ❤️. Enjoy your practice.

Continuing Core II

We have moved through a few short core practices over the last week. I’ve combined a few into sequence here to help you feel the benefits more fully. These practices not only strengthen the abdominal and spinal muscles, massage the organs, strengthen the digestive system, lower back, pelvic and perineal muscles but you will eventually notice overall increased energy as your improved posture gives you better supported freedom of movement. Wow! 🥰.... Feel free to run through the video twice to give yourself a great 30 minute practice. 😉

Alternating Side Stretch

There are many ways to achieve the same stretch - it’s a matter of finding what works best for your body right now. Over time that will change - try this alternate side and back stretch from your knees - but be sure to keep your alignment throughout. 

Stable Standing Sequence

For those of you who have been following along through our short recent videos, this is a 12 minute compilation of some of these, giving you a manageable sequence. I’ve deliberately kept it short so everyone can fit it into the day – fantastic if you have time. you could repeat the whole thing again another one or two times. 😉 Finish with your own relaxation at the end. Have a great day

Supple Shoulders

Upper back, neck and shoulders - this is where we tend to build up and store tension. Keep these joints moving freely, create space here for free and comfortable movement at any stage of life. Choose a time to practice when your mind can join your body’s physical actions and stay focused on what you are doing in the moment you’re in. Have a great day. Much love 

Continuing Core

Some days your energy is low and you don’t feel like moving too much. Every practice is your own- working FOR you from where you are at right now. Be aware of how you’re feeling and tailor your practice to suit your needs. Sometimes you may simply sit on your mat and breathe. And that’s perfect. Start with self care. When you’re happy - so is your outlook and therefore your environment 

Seated Spinal Twist

Simultaneously stretch the muscles on one side of the back and abdomen while contracting the muscles on the other side. Tone the nerves of the spine. Massage abdominal organs aiding in alleviating digestive ailments. Remember your individual“gentle maximum”. Your yoga practice is not a race to get to the end - breathe and allow your practice to deepen over time as the body and mind permit. Have fun

Setu Bandasana - Bride Pose

- helps realign the spine, reduce rounded shoulders and can help relieve backache. It massages and stretches the colon and abdominal organs improving digestion. There are contra-indications to everything of course. Everyone, as in all aspects of life, must be aware of any personal limitations and be responsible for their own actions. That means - if something does not feel right for you at this time - don’t do it 🧘‍♀️ Any postures that place pressure on you neck please be very careful to have correct spinal alignment throughout 😊

Strengthen The Core

Strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles while lubricating you hips and knees... all while lying on your back 😉. Enjoy your practice- any comments or questions please feel free to message me. Have a great day

Dandasana and Core Work

Today we start in dandasana - not only to stretch and strengthen shoulders, upper back, chest and abdomen, improving posture and alignment.. but also to help calm and steady the mind. From here moving to begin core work is simple. Other than the sandflies an absolutely beautiful spot to practice

Warrior II Extended Side Angle

I hope you’re making the most of this fabulous weather to practice outside if at all possible for you. The opportunity to breathe in deeply, natural fresh air, really filling your lungs - keeping respiratory channels clear, heart and lungs healthy and your whole being feeling more connected and stable.